Prophetic Word for the 22nd of June 2022

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of June 2022 - A new time
I am presenting you with a new timeline of my Masterpiece so that you are prepared for the events that are coming onto the earth. You must stand ready for the upcoming anointing by my son Jesus.
A new dawn is here for all of my chosen vessels. A new beginning in which you will see all of my promises fulfilled. The time has come for my Glory and Power to return to the earth.
A new time
It is all beginning in the month of June and will continue to accelerate into July and August. You will see my mighty hand moving on the earth and my only begotten son Jesus returning as the Light of the World.
All that is written will be fulfilled and my scriptures have laid testimony to my words. You need to be ready at all times and follow my instructions closely. There will be a time coming when you need to stay away from sin as much as possible.
A new time
Power will be given to the new apostles and disciples in two anointing that will be timed differently. Know and understand the meaning for each and every group. The apostles as the foundation layers.
And the disciples as the double portion. I am sending you the spirit of Elijah for a new beginning from now to the end of the Seal tribulation. You belong to me and my royal household forever more. A new time is here.
Triple Grace