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Prophetic Word for the 22nd of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of March 2022 - The Confirmation

I am releasing wisdom and knowledge from Heaven for the confirmation of my voices used on earth. It is important that my harvest workers and warriors see and understand that they speak with my voice.

They do not have their own agenda at heart but they serve me already for a long time. When you hear their messages and prophetic words then know and understand that they relay my words to the world.

The Confirmation

My selected voices are different from the messages you hear from your pulpits and in the churches. My voices are not simply pastors and preachers of my scriptures. They are so much more.

They have dedicated a life long service to me and they stand before my throne and the Court of Heaven almost daily. They do everything for Kingdom purposes and that separates them from the churches.

The Confirmation

You need to listen to my voices. They are mediators like Moses was for the Israelites. I met with Moses daily in the tent of meeting and then he relayed my words to the ones who were part of the Exodus.

I hereby confirm that my voices speak forth my words and my desires for my chosen vessels and the world. You need to head their warnings, callings and prophetic words. Be guided through my voices in this dark time. They speak in one accord and are tuned into my heavenly Kingdom.


Triple Grace


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