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Prophetic Word for the 22nd of May 2021

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of May 2021 - A glorious moment

You will enter a glorious moment in your life. The moment when you step into your destiny and purpose here on earth. The moment when you become my true sons and daughters of the Kingdom.

This glorious moment will lift you up in a whirlwind and will relocate you to a prepared place. A place of blessings and glory for all of my harvesting brides who have made themselves ready for my son Jesus.

A glorious moment

This moment will come to pass when I open the portal of Heaven to allow my son Jesus to rescue the children and to take his bride home or allow her to walk as his image on earth.

You will be changed and transformed when you enter the portal of Heaven and you will understand immediately that your time to shine has come. I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves but do not worry neither death nor Hades can prevail over my remnant.

A glorious moment

You will feel the power and the might of the Kingdom when you are being transported to the new place and my son will walk with you for 40 days to give you the final instructions.

I have chosen you as my true and powerful ambassadors on earth who will enter the places of darkness in the spirit of Moses and Elijah to set the captives free. A glorious moment is awaiting you.


Triple Grace


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