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Prophetic Word for the 22nd of October 2021

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of October 2021 - It is finished

The last puzzle piece is given and your preparation is complete. You have received all knowledge and wisdom that will allow you to enter your destiny and to run the final race successfully.

It is finished and I can look at my work within you with gratitude. Soon you will be truly born from above when I lift you into your new place that my son Jesus had prepared for you.

It is finished

Your old life has come to an end and a new one will begin. A new life on a complete new level as my sons and daughters. Worthy brides and fulfilled co-heirs to the throne with my son.

From this day forward you belong to my royal household. You have become so much more and I can see the light within you. You are ready to walk as the images of my son Jesus on earth.

It is finished

It was a long and tedious journey through the wilderness and fires of your old life. Each and every step brought you closer and closer to me and now with the last puzzle piece your journey is complete.

It is finished but now a new race will begin on a new level with me and in me. Walking with your Father under an open Heaven. You truly have made it and I am proud of each and every one of you. It is finished.


Triple Grace

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