Prophetic Word for the 22nd of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 22nd of September 2021 - Do not despair
I see your worries and your brokenness. You have given all for my Kingdom. You have changed and watched diligently when others celebrated and made fun of you. I know that you long to see me.
Do not despair. I am coming for you and you will receive your reward. A reward worthy of my bride. I will come and we will be joined forever. The Kingdom will welcome you in a great celebration.
Do not despair
I have prepared a place for you. A place of rejoicing and blessings. A new place that will seem like a dream come true. Such a place is ready for my bride. There you will find peace and rest united with all other warriors who have made themselves ready for me.
Do not despair. I am on my way and soon you will see me on my white horse to return to this world. It is a matter of days. I see you in your brokenness and how you worry about what is to come but trust in me and you will receive eternal life.
Do not despair
My time has come and with it your move into the future past. Your destiny is much closer than you think. I will make sure that none of my chosen vessels will get lost. I am on my way right now to save the children and to marry you.
Do not despair. The enemy tries to break your spirit in the last moments. Do not allow him to come in. Seek me in your difficult hours and I will stand next to you on the battlefield. Your were chosen for such a time as this and I am coming for you.
Triple Grace