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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of August 2022 - Stand up and walk with me

I am calling you to stand up and walk with my son Jesus so that all scriptures will be fulfilled. I am calling you into your new life. My Light that I have sent to the World will embrace you.

You are a completed vessel for such a time as this to bring in the harvest of the ages and to be my banner and standard against the evil flood that is trying to cover the whole earth.

Stand up and walk with me

A new path is lying ahead of you. A new walk with me. My way will become your way and you will have access to many places that were closed before. I am sending you through time and space.

My chosen vessels will be put on display for my Glory on Earth. Powerful warriors who will do battle on behalf of my heavenly Kingdom in the nations. Spreading the truth and setting the captives free.

Stand up and walk with me

The churches of Ephesus and Smyrna are called into their end time fulfillment. The ones who are part of these churches will be standing now before the Son of Man and will receive the mantles of light.

Rejoice because your time to shine has come. Your redemption has arrived and you will clothe yourself with the salvation of Heaven. Go and meet your God. It is time for the great harvest of the ages.


Triple Grace


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