Prophetic Word for the 23rd of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of December 2020 - A new Church
A new church is rising. A militant church that stands for my Kingdom against the evil flood. A church that acts on Kingdom purposes as the family community of Heaven.
A church that wins souls for eternity and not for selfish reasons. A church filled with my true sons and daughters born out of Zion. I call this church Acts 2.0, the remnant church of the Kingdom age.
A new Church
The old church has fallen away and entered the pit. They win no souls but members for their denominations and groups to elevate themselves above others in self-righteousness and complacency.
The old church has forgotten to proclaim my Kingdom but seeks worldly benefits and follows its new master, Satan. They have made my holy places houses of thieves and murders. They have burned holiness in the fire of tolerance and forgotten to stand up against evil.
A new Church
The new church knows my name. They are following the only rightful shepherd because they listen to my voice. They work together as an army at the battle lines. Standing strong for one another and relying on my word alone.
Acts 2.0 is my remnant army of Kings and Priests that I have separated from the sheep that have gone astray. My representatives on earth who will win souls for eternity and who will change the heart of the children back to their Father. They are my anchors in a dark and fallen world. My rocks in the storm. I have chosen them to walk as the restored Acts 1.0, my first assemblies, that came direct from Jesus. A new church is rising.
Triple Grace