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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of December 2021 - Transition

You are now in the transition between linear and circular time. So very soon will my son Jesus knock at your door. The time of the great shift into my masterpiece of the end times is here.

Transition means that you will be gradually removed from your old life and prepared for the opening of the portal. This process is important so that you can travel through the final event unharmed.


Your body will change slowly and getting ready for the great transformation that will allow you to carry the mantle of light in your new destiny on earth in which you will bring in the harvest.

My son will use the transition period to appear before the first Leah brides as a pattern to Mary who saw him first at the grave. Soon you will hear their praise reports in the nations.


This time period will allow my powerful warriors to be enlisted and their names written in Heaven so that they can stand on each and every battlefield marked as the Sons of Light.

As for you, my chosen vessels, just relax when you start to feel the change in your mind, heart and soul and allow me to change your life forever. Soon you will walk a new path followed by signs and wonders.


Triple Grace


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