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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of July 2021 - Do not leave the Ark

You are in the final moments of your old life and I have called you into the Ark. Do not leave the Ark and try to return to the World or you will be destroyed. The enemy is waiting for you.

The minute you leave the Ark you remove my cover over you and demonic forces can overcome you. You will not be able to stand in the upcoming flood outside of my heavenly Ark.

Do not leave the Ark

In my mercy have I called you into the Ark to gather with all of my harvesting brides in one place, the upper room, to wait for your transport into your new life and destiny here on earth or in the third Heaven.

I have chosen you because I saw your warrior heart. Do not replace it with a worldly spirit or fall for any deception of the enemy. Immediately when you leave the Ark you will be in great danger.

Do not leave the Ark

I closed the door behind Noah and he and his family waited for 7 days before the foundations were opened. I am telling you if they would have come out during the 7 days they would have perished with the rest of the wicked generation.

Now you are in the Ark and wait for the portal to open. Stand still and remain gathered together. Do not separate yourself in any way from the group that I have called. Do not go on your own on any mission but remain in the upper room. Do not leave the Ark!


Triple Grace


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