Prophetic Word for the 23rd of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of March 2021 - Winter is over
My children! Winter is over and Spring has come. The time for your rewards has arrived. You will enter a time where I will protect and bless you seven-fold.
The dark days have passed. The days when you walked in the wilderness not knowing what will become of you. The days when you suffered for your faith.
Winter is over
Now a new time is here in which you will walk in the sun. The sun of righteousness will appear with healing in his wings. Your bridegroom is at the door.
Sing a new song. The song of revival and transformation. The song of happiness and restoration. The song of love and unity. The song of a true bride.
Winter is over
New flowers will appear. The trees will become green again. The sun will warm you heart and the path will lead you to Paradise.
Winter is over and Spring has come. Before Summer hits with his heat you will be mine and all will be fulfilled. Your time has come. Winter is over.
Triple Grace