Prophetic Word for the 23rd of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of November 2020 - Your last moments
I am coming to take peace from the Earth and you are in the last moments of your old life. Great change is coming over the whole world and nothing will remain as it was.
I will set neighbor against neighbor, town against town and nation against nation. All of my creation will be affected because they did not listen to my voice and did not obey.
Your last moments
I have gathered my army and positioned them on the battle lines. They are my chosen vessels for such a time as this. My powerful remnant army of Kings and Priests.
You can still join them when you step through the open door into my Kingdom. This door is closing very soon and you will be left behind in the world.
Your last moments
Do not belong to the people who have closed their eyes and live as in the days of Noah. They continue to marry and be given into marriage, they celebrate their wealth and power until the flood comes and takes them all away.
Seek my Kingdom first and then everything else will be given to you. Walk in Love, Unity and support one another. You can not fight alone but you need to stand in the unified army of my Kingdom to overcome the enemy forces. The final battle between Good and Evil is at hand.
Triple Grace