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Prophetic Word for the 23rd of October 2020

Prophetic Word for the 23rd of October 2020 - Gather

Use the time before you enter your destiny and gather together online. Create Groups of Faith and lift up one another. I am speaking to many children in these days and my words need to be shared.

In these gathering you can prepare yourself for the upcoming missions into the nations. Help one another with new understanding and wisdom from heaven.


My cloud of glory will move over the groups that are gathered together. I showed this to Michael. Do not try to walk the new path alone. You will miss important parts of your destiny.

You are in lock down and you have time to meet together online. Support the Ministries that need your help and exchange your dreams and visions.


Concentrate on your new assignment and calling and do not get sidetracked by anything from the world. Leave your old ways behind and stand ready to be filled with my Glory.

Soon you will be messengers in the nations who will prepare the way for my only begotten son Jesus to return to earth. Spread the news of my Kingdom to all who have ears and bring in the harvest of the ages. Gather now and prepare well.


Triple Grace


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