Prophetic Word for the 24th of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 24th of December 2020 - It has come
You have arrived and the Kingdom has come. You were faithful even unto sickness and death. My rewards for you are following now with the judgements that I will bring down onto the earth.
You listened to my voice because you know me. You separated yourself and came out of the World, Babylon and the Churches to stand for and with my heavenly Kingdom.
It has come
My son is standing in the clouds, Heaven has merged with the earth and the Kingdom age has begun. You are part of the dress rehearsal of the Millennium Kingdom proclaiming that my Kingdom is here.
You are my harvest workers, my soul savers and my rescue mission for all of my creation. I am sending you as a sheep between wolves but you will prevail and you will guide my prodigal sons and daughters back home.
It has come
The time is here for wonders and miracles to be manifested on earth. A great surprise is waiting for the unbelievers and all of the lukewarm churches. They will find themselves left behind in a dark and fallen world.
But I will send you to them to bring light into the darkness, to be the beacon that will guide them to my holy mountain, Mount Zion. I have given you a mouth to declare the truth and to give answers where sorrow and pain reigns so that my Glory will finally be seen. It has come.
Triple Grace