Prophetic Word for the 24th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 24th of July 2022 - Start the Race
Now that I have called you into your destiny you will start to run the new race. It is my son Jesus that will set you into the position just before the signal will be given to start this race.
The new seven years will begin in which a great harvest will be gathered by my workers who will seek out the lost sheep that got astray in the world. In tribulations they will be the rock in the storm.
Start the Race
After the physical manifestation with your name being called for the Remnant Army of New Zion you will be strong enough to finish that race victoriously. My Kingdom will defeat the enemy on every battlefield.
Do not worry about the troubles and tribulations of those days because I have made you my portion and my sons and daughters. I will carry you through the strongest storms and battles.
Start the Race
At the end of the race there will be a great reward waiting for all who have fulfilled their destiny and stood for my Kingdom against the evil flood. You will be guided into Paradise for an everlasting life with me.
Now get ready to run the new and final race that will bring you to Mount Zion which will have come down to the earth at the sixth seal. I will run with you and my hand will cover you on your new path.
Triple Grace