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Prophetic Word for the 24th of June 2022

Prophetic Word for the 24th of June 2022 - My Heaven declares

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. I am bringing my creation into alignment and all can see it. The planetary parade is for the declaration of my Glory.

I set time and space and created it all. I will make use of the whole of my creation in these end days. You will see many signs and wonders on earth and in the Heavens when my mighty hand will move.

My Heaven declares

See the alignment as a time marker that my Masterpiece of the End Times is about to begin. It will not be repeated again for a long time. The next great sign will be at the sixth seal.

Wake up now and take your positions because the time of the anointing has come. My son Jesus is calling his new apostles and disciples for the great harvest work and for the fight against the enemy.

My Heaven declares

I told you that you need to watch the sky because I will give you signs in the sun, the moon and the stars just before the day of the Son of Man approaches. It is time to meet your Lord and Savior.

Your bridegroom has come for the little ones and the brides. My Heaven is declaring his Glory and his Power in the moment he returns as the Light of the World. The War against sin is beginning. Watch the sky.


Triple Grace


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