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Prophetic Word for the 24th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 24th of November 2020 - Watch

Watch!These upcoming days. Watch! I will do a marvelous thing in front of your eyes. An unbelievable thing will many say. Stand ready and wait for me in the upper room.

Lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing nigh. I will send my love to you. My love will embrace you and transform you for your destiny and purpose on earth.


These upcoming days are days of faith for my true sons and daughters. Days of hope and days of fear. Days of thunder and days of abundant rain.

You have finally reached the Kingdom and I will open the Heavens over you. Wait for me and see that my promises will not fail. All of my scriptures will be fulfilled.


I heard you prayers, I saw your suffering and I stood with you when you got mocked and ridiculed for your faith. Now the time has come that you will reap the rewards for your faith.

In these upcoming days I will do a marvelous thing. Brace yourself because I am going to shake the Heaven and the Earth. Love will be in the air for my faithful servants and wrath for the one's who did not listen and obeyed my voice. Watch and see what I will do!


Triple Grace


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