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Prophetic Word for the 24th of October 2021

Prophetic Word for the 24th of October 2021 - Meet the King

My son Jesus has arrived for you. The time of the brides has come. Leah will meet the King before Rachel will be called. Leah brides, lift up your heads because your redemption is here.

It will be a glorious day for the brides when all their dreams and visions will come true. Their bridegroom will be standing in the door and the two will be united forever more.

Meet the King

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming. Go out to meet him. The moment of the heavenly union has come onto the earth. My son will collect his brides from this wicked and evil world.

Put on your wedding dress, light your candles and rejoice because your bridegroom is coming on the horizon. Open your doors wide and receive him who is send by the Father to collect the first fruits of the wheat harvest.

Meet the King

Hear the Shofar blasts, sound the alarm, raise the virgins and stand ready to be lifted up into the place that the Lord has prepared for you. Leah brides, you will be the first to be visited.

Soon thereafter the King will come for Rachel to elevate her to New Zion for their harvest work. Always remember that the last will be first and Rachel will go for higher glory and greater service for the Kingdom.


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