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Prophetic Word for the 24th of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 24th of September 2021 - The final warning

Do you realize that you are in the final warning period? Do you understand that when the 40 days are over then all will change in the twinkling of an eye. My final grace is poured out on the wicked.

I am asking them to repent through many voices but will they listen and will they return to me? I am a merciful God and I do not want to see even one soul perish but my justice must come onto the earth.

The final warning

My final warning is spoken and declared over Babylon and all who are taking part in this evil world. Who have given their souls over to the enemy to gain riches and positions.

I am giving them 40 days to find their way out of the World, Babylon and the lukewarm churches. 40 days in which they need to come to me with full repentance. Acknowledging their sins and showing remorse for all what they did.

The final warning

After the 40 days I will come down with my mighty hand and Babylon will fall within one hour. Everyone who has not repented and has not returned to me and my Kingdom will suffer the same fate as this great city.

It will hit them unawares and suddenly and there will be no escape. My doors will be closed and many souls will be lost. The ones who will survive will be taken by the enemy into their New Egypt where they will become slaves to the new Pharaoh. The final warning.


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