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Prophetic Word for the 25th of August 2021

Prophetic Word for the 25th of August 2021 - You will not recognize yourself

A bright and wonderful light will come through the portal. It will hit the earth and will transform the ones who are ready to enter their destiny. They will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.

You will not recognize yourself again when you look into the mirror afterwards. I have promised you to give you strength and youth for your upcoming harvest work and I will fulfill my promises.

You will not recognize yourself

Your body will be changed from the pain and suffering of this world to the glory of my Kingdom. No. Not yet the supernatural body of the 144000 but nonetheless a body fit for a powerful warrior.

What was difficult or impossible before you will now do with ease. No shortness of breath but endurance for your last race to reach the finishing line in victory. A strong and powerful body that you have always prayed for.

You will not recognize yourself

The bright light will be brought forth through my mighty hand that will reach through the portal onto the earth to strengthen my Remnant Army for the many battles that are lying ahead.

You will receive a mantle of light that will cover you day and night. The light that my son Jesus brought to this world to set the captives free. Wait for it! Your will not recognize yourself again.


Triple Grace


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