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Prophetic Word for the 25th of January 2022

Prophetic Word for the 25th of January 2022 - The Father's voice

You need to listen to my voice in the new season. Follow in the footsteps of my only begotten son Jesus who fulfilled his destiny and purpose as your example on earth. He spoke the truth that I gave him.

Now you are called as my sons and daughters, as the Sons of God to be the witnesses of my heavenly Kingdom in the nations. I will give you the words that you should speak forth when you stand before the world.

The Father's voice

Follow my instructions and commandments set forth by my son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You have become co-heirs to the throne of Heaven and represent the light that I am sending into the darkness.

I will walk with you as my I did with my son Jesus and you will bring in a huge harvest, much fruit. Walk in the new season knowing that it is me who will guide and instruct you on your new path.

The Father's voice

From time to time I will call you to the new altars built in the Safe Havens so that I can spend time with you alone, like I did with my servant Moses in the tent of meeting. It will bring much clarity to you.

Listen to me and my commandments. Seek the heavenly Kingdom and its righteousness first and then everything else will be given to you. Trust that I will guide you as I have done with my son Jesus.


Triple Grace


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