Prophetic Word for the 25th of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 25th of July 2021 - Not by might
Not by might nor by power but my Spirit alone. I am sending you my Spirit so that you can run the race and fulfill your destiny. It is all about my Kingdom and the return of my son as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
My Spirit will prepare a way where there is now way and my Spirit will cover you even in the darkest alleys or the strongest battle. I have called you out of the midst to serve me as never before.
Not by might
Do not try to force things. Do not walk out on your own but follow my voice in all matters. If you need help seek my face immediately. I will make sure that you will operate under an open Heaven.
I will direct your steps and will guide you to the lost sheep that can be rescued. Rest assured that I will not forget your family and relatives. Even the ones who have taken the poison.
Not by might
In these new times you need to have true faith. Childlike faith towards me, your true Father. Listen to my voice and my messages only. As I have directed my son Jesus in his first coming so will I direct your steps in the valley of the shadow of death.
The missions seems impossible but my Spirit will open closed doors, will break even the strongest prisons bars and will allow you to stand against the mightiest demon or principalities. You are well prepared. Now it is time to be taken to New Zion.
Triple Grace