Prophetic Word for the 25th of November 2020

Prophetic Word for the 25th of November 2020 - Change
You will be taken into the clouds to be transformed, to be changed. A transformation is a change from one form to another. You will walk in the images of my son.
He is the head and you are the body. The two will become one and the world will see my son within you. The harvest will be done by thousands of remnant warriors in the likeness of my son Jesus.
For that purpose I am sending him into the clouds to rescue my small children and to transform you into your destiny as co-heirs to the throne so that you can walk as Kings and Priests.
I will confer unto you the first dominion (Micah 4:8) in which you will be called royalty of my Kingdom on earth and Saints of the Most High.
Your change is also your birth as the Sons of God. The whole creation is groaning in pain for my daughter to deliver the Sons of God, the true body and the harvesting brides of Christ.
A birthing is coming! Get ready to be transformed into the image of my son Jesus and to step into your destiny to serve me and my Kingdom as he has done before you. Great change is here.
Triple Grace