Prophetic Word for the 25th of October 2021

Prophetic Word for the 25th of October 2021 - A place prepared
The place is prepared, the children are gathered and the brides are called. The major move of my Kingdom will be seen in the next days. The preparations are over. All is finished and the last puzzle piece was given.
The first seven years have ended and now you will transition into the next 7 years of Seals. The first tribulation period will begin. At the end I will remove my final grace from this world and the trumpets will sound.
A place prepared
It is harvesting time so that the House of Israel can be gathered from all nations. The time for my Leah and Rachel brides to shine as never before. But where to store the harvest of the Lord?
A place is prepared for the lost sheep in which my chosen and separated shepherds will care for them and will make sure that they will clean their garments in the blood of the lamb until the time of the rapture at the sixth seal.
A place prepared
It is a huge and mighty place that will provide the warriors, harvest workers, shepherds and lost sheep rescued with all that they need. Heavenly provisions, living waters, mantles and gifts are all awaiting you.
In addition you will walk under an open Heaven in perfect peace so that you can find the rest from your tedious missions for the Kingdom. A place of harmony filled with my love for all of creation. A small paradise.
Triple Grace