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Prophetic Word for the 26th of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 26th of April 2021 - Behold my Son

I am sending my only begotten son again to retrieve his bride. The time for the wedding has arrived. Leah and Rachel are standing ready. I grant him my permission to return to the earth.

The enemy is trying to ensnare the whole world and will take them back into time to his places that he has extended over the world. A remnant of the bride will follow him to seek the lost sheep and to guide them back to me.

Behold my Son

You will see him returning in power and glory in a whirlwind to sweep his bride of her feet. Every bride has a purpose to fulfill. Either as the brides that will escape with the children or as the warrior brides that will stand in the gap for my sleeping churches and the lost.

None of them are elevated over the others and all of their purposes are equally important. They serve me as matrons going with the children in the same manner as my remnant army remaining on earth.

Behold my Son

The brides who will stand against Satan are not left behind but they fulfill a destiny that they have agreed to even before they were born. I am sending them into a new race. A race against time.

In a short time they will gather the multitude clothed in white and guide them towards my holy mountain, Mount Zion. There I will rapture them into Paradise and there they will be finally rejoined with the other brides and the children. Behold my son is returning to the earth!


Triple Grace


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