Prophetic Word for the 26th of August 2022
Prophetic Word for the 26th of August 2022 - A great Event
My mighty hand will be seen and my chosen vessels will be transformed. It is time for the world to see the great event.
It has all begun and some of my anointed ones feel the shift and change already. Soon they will be standing before the Son of Man.
A great Event
For the world it seems that something big has fallen down onto the earth but my sons and daughters know that the shadow of darkness has come to cover the earth.
The event marks the great shift in time and space. Changes are coming for the world and for my Kingdom and all who belong to it.
A great Event
Do not fight the transformation but accept it as my gift towards you. It might be uncomfortable for a time as it was for Saul when he received the light.
Know and understand that this transformation is necessary for you to carry the new mantles and to fulfill your destiny in the nations. You will receive new strength and powers from on high. The great event is here.
Triple Grace