Prophetic Word for the 26th of June 2022

Prophetic Word for the 26th of June 2022 - Kingdom Purposes
You needed to learn about Kingdom purposes because in your destiny you will focus on these purposes in the nations. I called you into unity to complete the tasks so that you will stand together.
All that you do in the upcoming Seal tribulation will be for Kingdom purposes either as a foundation layer or a harvest worker with my lost sheep. Kingdom purposes will be on your mind.
Kingdom purposes
Therefore I commanded you to complete two tasks for me that will show you how to act together as one and to use your blessings for Kingdom purposes. You must complete them in time.
I have trained you well and now you will be able to stand as my army on the battlefields of the world. Always as one and always for my heavenly Kingdom. The tasks trained you for that.
Kingdom purposes
I guided your eyes away from the World and focused you on my purposes here on earth. The gathering for the war chest and the warrior funds are my called forth Kingdom purposes for this moment in time.
Complete that what I asked you for and I will bless you 7-fold for your obedience. Then you will stand before the Son of Man with offerings in your hands. It is time to complete the Kingdom purposes.
Triple Grace