Prophetic Word for the 26th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 26th of March 2021 - Heaven
I will open the heavens for my son to get his bride. The portal to my Kingdom will be opened and my son will return to the earth.
Not for his Millennium Kingdom at this time but to collect his bride from all nations. You will see the portal opening and the glory to come down from on high.
The time of the wedding of the first born has arrived. I am giving consent to the consummation and allow my son to return to the houses of the bride.
It will be a triumphal entry when the whole wedding entourage will come down onto the earth. They will come with lights and the sound of the Shofar.
Nobody can open the portal to the my Kingdom if I have not given him the key. Not even my son. Even he needs my approval to pick his bride.
In the upcoming days you will experience an open heaven when my only begotten son will return to the earth to collect his beloved bride. At that time I will remember the little ones also. Heaven will open.
Triple Grace