Prophetic Word for the 26th of October 2020
Prophetic Word for the 26th of October 2020 - Provisions
Am I not providing for my children? Am I not Jehovah Jireh, the great provider? Then why do you claim that I am only spiritual? Will provisions not appear at your doorsteps?
How do I provide for the ministries that advance my Kingdom? Will I come down from Heaven and lay funds at your their feet? Have you ever truly seen such a miracle?
Or do I open doors and ways through my Holy Spirit, through dreams and visions and even angels who can visit you. Then suddenly you see people coming towards you saying that the Father has sent me to bless and support you and your work for the Kingdom of Heaven.
I will use some of my children who were blessed before to share with you their resources so that you can progress on the path that I have set you. You will never stand before the lost sheep empty handed but my provisions will flow like water towards your cause as long as you obey my voice.
Who do you think told the first Christians to sell their lands and goods and to lay the proceeds at the apostles feet? Who made the Jews to donate vessels of fine Gold and funds towards the building of the temple? Who if not me, the great I AM.
Do not listen to voices who claim that my Kingdom will not help you with physical provisions and that support and donations are not required. I am far more than only a spiritual God. I am your true Father and as such I will provide real support through my children, the family of Heaven.
Triple Grace