Prophetic Word for the 26th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 26th of September 2020 - Breakthrough
My children are standing before their breakthrough. A short time to push and then we will walk as one. The final struggle against the enemy is here.
Your breakthrough will manifold, in faith, in glory and in resources. I will connect with you as a covering and you will walk in Spirit and Truth.
You will receive this breakthrough because you have committed yourself towards winning of souls and towards my end time harvest. Resources will not come for personal pleasure or luxuries but for Kingdom purposes alone.
My end time harvesters will not stand ashamed without means to lift up the needy and nameless but I will provide them with multiple blessings so that they can fulfill their destiny.
The final moments of your birth is here and you need to push as hard as you can. Then your promises and destiny will be birthed and you will walk with me on my path of Glory.
Push! You can see the breakthrough already. You are giving birth to your destiny and purpose here on earth. You are getting born as my sons and daughters and as my Ambassadors of Heaven. Your breakthrough is here.
Triple Grace