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Prophetic Word for the 27th of April 2022

Prophetic Word for the 27th of April 2022 - Time to finish

I have given you tasks to finish before you will stand in front of the Son of Man. Now is the time to finish the final calls because the bridegroom is at the horizon. Soon there will be no more time.

I am asking all of the brides to step forward and to finalize their preparations to meet my son Jesus. Put on a perfect white wedding dress, light your oil lamp and repent of all your sins.

Time to finish

You have just one month left in which all that I have asked you for must be completed. Finish the tasks for Kingdom purposes, unite together for that great day and purchase enough oil for you lamps.

Pick up the truth so that you can carry it forward into your destiny and purpose for my Kingdom. It is time to complete it all. The bridegroom is on the horizon and all the brides need to be ready to meet him.

Time to finish

You must be a bride without spot and wrinkle having obeyed the voice of the Father so that you can be accounted worthy to stand before the Son of Man and to be his perfect bride forever more.

I have taken you out of the World, Babylon and the Churches and now you need to finish you final task before the great day of the wedding is to come. Nor more time, nor more delay. Just one month to finish it all.


Triple Grace


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