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Prophetic Word for the 27th of December 2020

Prophetic Word for the 27th of December 2020 - I am preparing the vessels

You are set apart, a called out remnant for my Kingdom purposes. Now I am going to prepare you as my vessels for the harvest. The time of change and transformation has come.

I will remove the old wine skin, clothe you in the garment of light and fill you with new understanding and knowledge that you need to walk in your destiny and purpose on earth.

I am preparing the vessels

You followed the instructions, all of my commandments and you listened to my voice. I see you standing in the upper room, waiting and watching in eager expectation.

My children, it won't be much longer. The cup of the world is running over and justice will be served. Myriads of angels are standing ready to shake the heavens and the earth.

I am preparing the vessels

You are my harvesting tools, fully armored, powerful warriors for the Kingdom who are willing to serve me as never before. My chosen vessels are refined as gold in the fire and have been taken through the wilderness ahead of time.

These vessels will be my beacons of light in the darkness, the rock in the storm and my rescue workers who are seeking the lost sheep to return them to my Kingdom. They will walk in the image of my son Jesus for all to see bestowed with powers from up high to do wonders and miracles as my ambassadors. The time is here and I am preparing the vessels.


Triple Grace


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