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Prophetic Word for the 27th of July 2021

Prophetic Word for the 27th of July 2021 - The Move

Expect the move of my mighty hand now. The angels are standing ready to take your to a certain place at 3am. Ask for Wisdom to understand my time. Many are using their worldly understanding to bring clarity into heavenly secrets.

You can only understand my plans and my move when you are part of the Kingdom and understand Kingdom timing. This timing can be so much different from your earthly hours or days.

The Move

But when I tell you it will come to pass now then understand that the move is here and all is prepared. A great event will be seen on earth. The greatest transport the Heaven has ever organized so far.

My plan for the end times is being fulfilled and nothing was left to be unplanned. I have created the world in perfection and the end of the old times is also a perfect masterpiece of time and actions.

The Move

You will understand all this when you will see my angels in motion. Coming to your door and telling you that the moment has arrived. A few minutes to grab you bag and then you will be lifted off this earth.

A new place is prepared and waiting for you in which I will be much closer to you than ever before. From hence forward you will walk as the images of my Son Jesus under an open Heaven on Earth. The Move the Heavens is here.


Triple Grace


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