Prophetic Word for the 27th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 27th of March 2022 - Be guided
I am directing your steps in the upcoming long darkness. It is I, your Father from Heaven, that will walk with you on the new path. I am guiding you in your destiny and purpose on earth.
Listen to me when we walk under an open Heaven and obey my voice. I know who is worthy to be saved and I will take you to the lost sheep who will be part of the multitude clothed in white.
Be guided
Do not rely on your own thinking or strength but on my spiritual powers from Heaven. I will provide new gifts, mantles and resources so that you can bring in the harvest of the ages.
I will transform you into a powerful vessel for such a time as this to stand against the evil flood and to be my witnesses in the nations. Trust in all that you have received from me.
Be guided
I have sent you dreams and visions to keep you on the narrow and righteous path and to separate you from the world. Now it is time to come out of your hiding places and to be seen in the nations.
I am calling all of my harvest workers and warriors onto the scene. Be guided in all of your steps that you do for my heavenly Kingdom and I will give you a strange and bold voice to proclaim the truth wherever you are.
Triple Grace