Prophetic Word for the 27th of May 2022

Prophetic Word for the 27th of May 2022 - I will fill you to the brim
You were taken out of the world. Removed from your churches and emptied out completely. I did all this so that I can fill you to the brim with new wine. The new wine of my heavenly Kingdom.
At the Feast of Weeks and the true Festival of the new wine all will begin. I have prepared the jars with new wine for my chosen vessels. I just need to pour it out over them and they will be ready.
I will fill you to the brim
Many of my children did not empty themselves or even tried to seek my Kingdom first. They can not receive the new wine because they are still full with old one. Only the ones who have made themselves ready will be filled.
You have never experienced so much satisfaction and understanding after you receive the new wine. A new beginning is waiting for you. Once filled you will step into your destiny and purpose on earth.
I will fill you to the brim
There is no coincidence that they called the apostles, filled with the fiery tongues, being drunk with new wine. They were but not with wine from the earth but from my heavenly Kingdom.
It changed them in the old times and it will do it again for such a time as this. I will fill you to the brim with new wine so that wonders and miracles can follow you. New powers will be given.
Triple Grace