Prophetic Word for the 27th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 27th of September 2020 - Powerhouse
Do you know why I send you through the fire and into the wilderness? Why you are hated by brothers and sisters? Why you do not fit into this World?
You are facing attacks on a daily basis and demonic forces know your name. The kingdom of darkness is standing against you. Satan does not want that you progress any further.
I did all this so that you will become my powerhouses in the nations. My people speaking boldly as a lion about my heavenly Kingdom. My voices that nobody can silence.
You have become my powerhouses of Heaven. My true sons and daughters who are walking as an image of my only begotten son Jesus. My harvest workers for the great revival.
You enter now in the final preparation to put on your whole armor and to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom as a powerhouse of Heaven. In a short time you will break through and being birthed as the Sons of God.
My powerhouses will be the light and fires I kindle in all nations and on all continents for the Glory of the Kingdom and for the harvest of the ages. I have prepared you well and you are stronger as you imagine. You are my powerhouse for such a time as this.
Triple Grace