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Prophetic Word for the 28th of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 28th of July 2022 - Gifts and Mantles

Many of my chosen vessels feel that they are not worthy to receive any gifts or mantles from me and also it is true you need to accept my gifts because without them you will not be able to finish the race strong.

I am not sending weak or broken warriors onto the battlefield and I am not sending doubtful harvest workers in the field. Remember that you are my sons and daughters and as such I require childlike faith.

Gifts and Mantles

The events are heating up and I will do the finishing touches on my vessels that I have formed as a good potter. The gifts and mantles are needed so that you can stand for my Kingdom in the nations.

They will give you the ability to obey my orders no matter where I will take you. There you will find the lost sheep that you need to set free from the bondage and slavery of the new Pharaoh.

Gifts and Mantles

Rest assured that I would not send you into your destiny and purpose if I would not provide for you all that you need. You will walk as an image of my only begotten son Jesus and I gave Jesus all he needed in his first coming.

The Sons of God are being born at the same time as the light of the world will return to the earth. They will bring the light into the dark places and will spread my truth in all the nations of the world. I am sending you gifts and mantles. Use them for your destiny and Kingdom purposes.


Triple Grace


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