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Prophetic Word for the 28th of March 2021

Prophetic Word for the 28th of March 2021 - Thunder and Lightning

You will see thunder and lightning when the heaven will open. Lights that you have never seen before. Sounds from the Kingdom to announce the coming of the King.

Jesus is returning to earth for his bride who has made herself ready. The scriptures are being fulfilled and the waiting period will be over for many faithful children.

Thunder and Lightning

Jesus will come down through a dark cloud, his secret place, with fires and whirlwinds. The portal to the Kingdom of God will be opened.

The day of rejoicing for the Bride of Christ has come but a day of bitter mourning for the lost souls that turned to Satan and the World.

Thunder and Lightning

You will see a spectacle in the sky and if you sleep you will be awoken to your day of visitation. Have you prepared your soul for that day? Are you worthy to stand before the Son of Man?

The whole World will see the Lightnings and hear the Thunder. Many will reject it as another weather phenomena and will continue in sin and evil but my bride will know that her day has come. I am coming with Thunder and Lightning.


Triple Grace


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