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Prophetic Word for the 28th of October 2021

Prophetic Word for the 28th of October 2021 - Prepare for the events

Wake up now. Break camp and be ready to cross the Jordan. The battles will begin immediately when you have reached your destination. Prepare now for the upcoming events because my mighty hand will be seen.

This is your call to break camp as the Remnant Army of New Zion. My son Jesus will guide you over the Jordan into your new place from where you will start your missions on the battlefields of the world.

Prepare for the events

Put on your full armor, choose your weapon and prepare your mind, heart and soul for the next level. The time has come when I will take you into your holy places for the sake of my Kingdom.

Finish your old life, pack your bag and stand ready to be lifted over the waves when the water events will come to pass. Prepare for the events that are ready to come over the whole earth.

Prepare for the events

The passage into your destiny might be difficult but you need to endure that day so that you can enter New Zion through the Gate that has your name written on it. Prepare now and know that your old life has come to an end.

A new dawn has arrived that will bring tribulations onto the world and you need to stand on many battlefields. It will all begin with the battle over Jericho. Understand its meaning. The walls will fall.


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