Prophetic Word for the 28th of September 2020

Prophetic Word for the 28th of September 2020 - Yom Kippur
I am gathering my children on my feast day to seal the fate of them and the world. Have you repented? Have you forgiven all who have trespassed against you?
Are you worthy that your name will be written in the Book of Life in Heaven? The final moments of repentance are here. I asked my children to fast and pray and to become before my throne.
Yom Kippur
The ones who obeyed me I will bless seven times of all what they have lost or given to the needy. The ones who disobeyed me and my commands will I punish seven times over.
My trumpet is sounding on this day as I declare a year of Jubilee for my houses of Israel and Judah. In the last 10 days I looked at your repentance, your heart and your obedience. Now will I judge you.
Yom Kippur
The ones who are mine and have listened to my voice will I keep close to me but the ones who decided that they could walk alone, disobeyed my commands and never heard my calling will I give over to Satan and he can do with them whatsoever pleases him.
I granted my houses 49 years to find their way back home, back to my Kingdom but only few within the houses were listening and returned to me, to their first love. Today, the time of mercy has ended. Today is my great day of Jubilee.
Triple Grace