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Prophetic Word for the 29th of June 2021

Prophetic Word for the 29th of June 2021 - Hill of your Salvation

Are you aware that my son Jesus is the mountain not carved with human hands and that he will come with Zion. He is the mountain of righteousness and salvation. Mount Zion is his place.

My only begotten son is connected to mountains. In the scriptures you read about Mount Zion, Mount Calvary and the Mount of Olives. He preached on mountains and his transfiguration was seen on a mountain.

Hill of your Salvation

He was crucified on a mountain and he will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on the Mount of Olives. He is the mountain of the Lord and on this Mount Zion Paradise is placed.

In Paradise you will receive your reward, the mansions Jesus spoke about in John 14 and there you will find peace. Mount Zion belongs to my son and he will come with it to be seen by the world.

Hill of Salvation

My son will rule from Mount Zion his earthly Millennium Kingdom as stated in the scriptures and from there the 144000 will go forth into the nations. It will be Mount Zion that will receive the two witnesses after they have fulfilled their destiny and from there my son will return on the white horse with his army for the great battle.

I am sending you my son as the hill of salvation and he will come with Zion. I will return to the earth after the Millennium Kingdom with New Jerusalem, the holy city of Heaven that contains the Garden of Eden and the tree of life. At that moment a new Heaven and new Earth will be created. For now my son will come as your hill of salvation.


Triple Grace


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