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Prophetic Word for the 29th of March 2022

Prophetic Word for the 29th of March 2022 - The Players

I am placing a hook into the jaw of all the players in the end times. I am bringing them out of hiding for all to see. The evil empire is forming and the doctrines of Lucifer will be implemented.

Suffering will come to my children if they do not open their eyes and return to me. My son Jesus is coming for the brides and the innocent little ones. Soon my portal of great light will open.

The Players

See them all moving forward. Each country with their own agenda but all yoked to the enemy. See Russia, China, North Korea, the US, UK and whole Europe taking their positions on the world scene.

Do you believe that this is by coincidence? I am in control and I have placed a hook in the jaw of every player in the end times. They are being pulled onto the battlefields so that all will be fulfilled.

The Players

It is not about worldly issues but it is the beginning of all sorrows. The Masterpiece of the End Times has started by me removing my restraining hand from the world. There is no turning back and more events will follow.

Trust in me and my Kingdom alone and come out of the World, Babylon and the Churches. Do not seek shelter in the nations or believe the statements of your leaders. They are all players for the evil flood.


Triple Grace


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