Prophetic Word for the 29th of November 2020
Prophetic Word for the 29th of November 2020 - I am coming
The month of December will not pass without me being with you. I am coming in the cloud and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then I will gather my children to myself.
I am coming to be with you for 40 days to instruct and teach you in the final ways. Listen carefully because I am at the door. All what I have revealed will take place.
I am coming
The spirit of Elijah will be with me to be bestowed on my remnant who will prepare the way before me. They have a difficult task to perform but the Heaven is rejoicing because of their faith and willingness to serve.
I am coming in the clouds and take you to me before we will walk the earth together for 40 days. Stand ready to be elevated to your bridegroom and commander in chief.
I am coming
The world will change dramatically with my arrival and many people will succumb to fear and despair. But my sheep know my voice and they will follow me gladly on the new path.
My remnant, I will make you the rock on which my true church will stand. You are called to gather the lost sheep and to prepare the way for my second coming as rightful King of the whole earth. I am coming and your eyes will see me.
Triple Grace