Prophetic Word for the 2nd of April 2021

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of April 2021 - Crossing the Red Sea
You have come out of Egypt, obeyed my voice and moved forward towards my holy mountain. You have reached the Red Sea and now I will do a great wonder in front of your eyes.
I will open the way for you to come finally out of the prison of the world and to enter your destiny and purpose here on earth.
Crossing the Red Sea
I will open the Heavens in the same manner as I opened the Red Sea and you will pass through to a new place. A place that you have not seen before. Also it seems similar it will be new.
I will do a new thing and you are my chosen vessels for such a time as this to set the lost sheep free and to bring in the harvest of the ages.
Crossing the Red Sea
I am pouring out blessings onto you. All your rewards will come forth right now. You were faithful to the end and a good steward with little.
Now I will give you all things in abundance because I know that you will use them for Kingdom purposes only. You are my powerful sons and daughters, my harvesting bride. You rewards are here.
Triple Grace