Prophetic Word for the 2nd of August 2022

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of August 2022 - I am calling you
It is time to call all of my harvest workers and warriors on earth. Everyone will enter into his destiny now and will serve me according to his calling for my glorious Kingdom on Earth.
This day will mark the beginning of the new apostles and the calling of the new disciples to my Son Jesus. The Rachel and the Leah brides will fulfill their purpose in the nations.
I am calling you
Step forward into a whole new world and be part of the wedding first before the 40 days with Jesus will begin in Jerusalem. The wedding banquet is prepared and the doors are opening.
Be a witness to your brothers and sisters who are called into the Third Heaven soon. They will take the little ones by the hand to guide them into their Father's House. The Innocent will escape.
I am calling you
Then you will walk with my only begotten son Jesus for 40 days on earth to receive the final knowledge and wisdom you need to be paired with the Rachel brides in the great Harvest of the ages.
At the end a great outpouring will make sure that all of my harvest workers and warriors can enter their time of harvest in the nations. Either as a foundation layer or as the one who will enter the fields that are ripe for my taking.
Triple Grace