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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of December 2021

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of December 2021 - Called for my Glory

I have called and separated you for this moment in time. To be my witnesses and harvest workers in the nations. The seal tribulations will begin now and a harvest is waiting to be brought into my store houses.

You are called for my Glory to be my true ambassadors and my beacons of light in the world. I will send you to seek my lost sheep and to stand against the evil flood in all nations on earth.

Called for my Glory

The upcoming missions are not yours to select nor will you seek the path by yourself but the time has come to trust my voice when I will guide you through the dark valleys of the enemy territory.

Rely fully on me and know that you belong to my royal household as the brides of my son Jesus and as co-heirs to my throne. You were prepared well and now is the time to enter the fields of the harvest.

Called for my Glory

The time is upon you to hear my voice and to be taken into your destiny to serve me and my Kingdom. To spread the truth where lies are being accepted and to bring the light into the darkness.

My spirit will guide you on your ways. Walk in child-like faith towards me, your heavenly father. I will bestow new mantles and gifts onto your life and you will be transformed for my Glory so that the world will see a great light. My son will send his images on the battlefields. The Sons of Light will do battle with the Sons of Darkness.


Triple Grace


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