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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of February 2021

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of February 2021 - You are called

I am calling you to the wedding. My bride needs to stand ready to be collected. The wedding banquet is waiting for my faithful sons and daughters who spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and the truth about my heavenly place.

You have made yourself ready. Beautifully in and out. Wonderfully to be seen. Your wedding dresses are made out of pure light and they sparkle as diamonds in the sun.

You are called

Now the time has come to be called. A great change will happen to you and to the world. The final chapter of my scriptures will come into play. The end times are here.

I am calling you and the children who need to be rescued out before the evil ones can lay their hands on them. The innocent will not be harmed. I am a God of mercy and love.

You are called

But woe to the wicked. The generation that has done evil in my sight. That has killed millions of my soul. That has changed the times and the law. A wicked generation that has tolerated the ruler of the air, Satan.

To this generation will I come as a whirlwind. A powerful storm with judgements in my wings. I will destroy their towers and their cities as I did it with Sodom and Gomorrah. But you my bride, I am calling you out into your eternal destiny. I have come.


Triple Grace


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