Prophetic Word for the 2nd of February 2022

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of February 2022 - Encounter
The brides will have an encounter with the bridegroom. He will knock at their doors to collect them for the wedding. It is time for the commencing of the heavenly union that is decreed for such a time as this.
Get ready for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to come for you. First the Leah brides and then after the wedding the Rachel brides. My timing is perfect and soon you will hear the Leah brides rejoicing.
Your bridegroom is coming to bring you the gift of light for the ones who will be taken to the third Heaven and for the ones who will serve me as my true sons and daughters on Earth.
It will be a supernatural encounter for all of the brides who are the first fruits of the wheat harvest. My son Jesus is coming so that the two will become one. A heavenly union promised right from the beginning.
Put on your wedding dress and stand ready with the light you have now so that you do not miss the encounter with Heaven that I have planned for such a time as this. Your bridegroom is coming.
This encounter will grant you access to the resurrection power of my son and it fulfills all the promises of my scriptures. Not one verse will fail but all was planned and created right from Genesis. And now is the time for this heavenly encounter.
Triple Grace