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Prophetic Word for the 2nd of July 2022

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of July 2022 - You have arrived

My time and the time of my son Jesus as the Son of Man has come. The portal in Heaven has opened and your destiny is at hand. You have arrived and soon the anointing will take you deeper into my Kingdom.

I will transform my chosen vessels for my Glory so that the harvest of the ages will be brought in. Many of my lost sheep will see the light and will hear the truth for the first time.

You have arrived

I heard your prayers for a change over a long time but the Masterpiece of the End Times will come to pass in my time on earth. It has started now and with every day the Seal tribulation will progress.

The enemy has witnessed the opening of the portal also and he is preparing his machinery to make advantage of the open portal to bring down his minions of darkness to the earth. One third will fall.

You have arrived

I will continue to walk with you under an open Heaven and my son Jesus is preaching repentance for the 40 days and at the same time he will gather the little ones and the brides for the Escape of the Innocent.

The Leah brides who have volunteered to stay will receive now the final knowledge and wisdom to fulfill their destiny in the same strength as the Rachel brides. Soon you will witness the first anointing of my warriors. You have arrived.


Triple Grace


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