Prophetic Word for the 2nd of June 2022

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of June 2022 - We are called
The moment has arrived when the Lord is calling us into action. Into a new life for the Kingdom. Living the principles of Heaven in the nations as examples and ambassadors of our mighty Father.
The time to serve has come. Serve him who sits on the throne as his true sons and daughters. Embrace your bridegroom Jesus and walk as his images for all to see to bring the light into the dark places.
We are called
Step into your destiny and purpose right now knowing that you are well prepared and that the Lord will provide all you need to finish the last race victoriously in the face of the enemy.
March in unity as a powerful warrior of the Remnant Army of New Zion and enter the fields of the world to reap the great harvest that is decreed and declared. Seek the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
We are called
Your name is called and you will answer by doing the last step that will allow you to stand before the Son of Man. He is coming to gather the brides from the four corners of the earth.
It is time for the Escape of the Innocent and the first fruits of the wheat harvest. Millions of souls will vanish when the portal in Heaven will open. We are called to stand in the gap for all who need guidance. Be ready. Be a worthy bride!
Triple Grace