Prophetic Word for the 2nd of September 2021

Prophetic Word for the 2nd of September 2021 - Warrior Call
The roll call of my chosen and selected warriors has commenced. Your name will be called and your answer is required. This will be done in the spiritual and not all warriors will recall it.
Just be prepared to stand for my Kingdom and be ready to answer with your name. Either your worldly name or the one that I have given you as your battle name. I have send an angel who will perform this roll call in the upcoming days.
Warrior Call
This will be your warrior call so that your name can be written in Heaven and in New Zion. Only the ones whose name is written at the portal to New Zion can enter the new place.
My Remnant Army of New Zion is called into action. For all those chosen I will grant great favors through new gifts and blessings. They will receive anything they ask for in my name.
Warrior Call
Your Commander in Chief is coming soon after the roll call to take charge of the upcoming battles against the evil flood. He will instruct you further on your individual position and operational areas.
Wait for him and do not start prematurely. He also holds the key to the armory and the fiery swords for sour mission. Follow his instructions so that my angel can place a hedge of protection around you. Heavenly Warriors, this is your roll call.
Triple Grace